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CouchRest and CouchRest Model

CouchRest Model Properties

A property is the definition of an attribute, it describes what the attribute is called, how it should be type cast and other options such as it’s default value. These replace your typical add_column methods found in relational database migrations.

To define a property, simply call the property class method in your model definition:

class Cat < CouchRest::Model::Base
  property :name,     String
  property :birthday, Date
  property :likes_catnip, TrueClass, :default => true

Properties are defined with a name, class, and any of the following options:

When defined, getters and setters similar to the following are added to your model:

def name

def name=(value)
  write_attribute('name', value)

These can be overwritten in your code should you want to perform any special treatment of an attribute. The #read_attribute and #write_attribute methods perform any typecasting required.

Here are a few examples of properties in use:

# Define a new Cat model
class Cat < CouchRest::Model::Base
  property :name,        String
  property :last_fed_at, Time
  property :awake,       TrueClass, :default => false

# Assign values to the properties on instantiation
@cat = => 'Felix', :last_fed_at => 10.minutes.ago)

# Access the values   #=> 'Felix'
@cat.last_fed_at   #=> Time.parse('2011-04-21T10:32:00Z')

# Reload the object
@cat = Cat.find(

# The properties are typecast on loading
@cat.last_fed_at < 20.minutes.ago   #=> true

# TrueClass properties will create a getter with question mark at the end:
@cat.awake?   #=> false

A special property macro is available called timestamps! that will create the created_at and updated_at accessors. As you’d expect, these are updated automatically when creating and saving a document and are set as Time objects.

class Cat < CouchRest::Model::Base
  property :name,        String

In CouchRest, any class can be used as a property type as long as it has a to_json method. Problems however may arise when trying to load the stored data back into your model, most classes cannot be restored from a Hash with JSON values. To get around this problem, the CastedModel include allows you to create complex embededded documents that will be loaded correctly.

Properties do not need to be defined with a type or class, but in this case no type casting will be performed when loading the model, so you’ll always get back whatever the to_json method converted your property into:

class Cat < CouchRest::Model::Base
  property :name
  property :birthday

# Assign some values and save
@cat = => 'Felix', :birthday => 2.years.ago)        #=> 'Felix'
@cat.birthday.is_a?(Time)  #=> true

# Reload the model
@cat = Cat.find(        # 'Felix'

# The birthday will not be converted back into a Time object
@cat.birthday.is_a?(Time)  #=> false

Properties defined with the :read_only option will only have a getter method, and its value is set when the document is read from the database. You can however update a read-only attribute using the write_attribute method:

class Cat < CouchRest::Model::Base
  property :name, String
  property :lives, Integer, :default => 9, :read_only => true  

  def fall_off_balcony!
    write_attribute(:lives, lives - 1)

@cat = => "Felix")
@cat.lives    # Now 8!

Mass assigning attributes, as you’l already have realised, is also possible in a similar fashion to ActiveRecord:

# Update matching attributes
@cat.attributes = { :name => "Felix", :birthday =>, 1, 1) }

# is the same as:
@cat.update_attributes(:name => "Felix", :birthday =>, 1, 1))

Attributes sent to #attribtues= or #update_attributes that do not have a property definition will not be updated. This provents useless data being passed to database, such as from an HTML form, and also because most projects will need to do some kind of typecasting to allow the ruby code to understand the data. However, if you would like truely dynamic attributes (CouchDB is schema-less after all!), the mass_assign_any_attribute configuration option when set to true will store everything you put into the mass assignment methods.

Property Arrays

One of the most attractive features of CouchDB is the ability to store arrays of data. CouchRest Model makes it very easy to define properties that will accept and array of items of a specific class, simply add [ and ] around the class:

class Cat < CouchRest::Model::Base
  # Single text string
  property :name, String
  # Multiple text strings
  property :nicknames, [String]

By default, the array will be ready to use from the moment the object as been instantiated:

@cat = => 'Fluffy')
@cat.nicknames << 'Buffy'
@cat.nicknames == ['Buffy']

When anything other than a String is set as the class of a property, the array will be converted into special wrapper called a CastedArray. If the child objects respond to the casted_by and casted_by_property methods (such as those created with CastedModel) it will contain a reference to the parent object and property, not the casted array itself. More details are availble in the following section on casted models

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