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CouchRest and CouchRest Model


Two types at the moment:

belongs_to :person
collection_of :tags

This is a somewhat controversial feature of CouchRest Model that some document database purists may cringe at. CouchDB does not yet povide many features to support relationships between documents but the fact of that matter is that its a very useful paradigm for modelling data systems.

In the near future we hope to add support for a has_many relationship that takes of the Linked Documents feature that arrived in CouchDB 0.11.

Belongs To

Creates a property in the document with _id added to the end of the name of the foreign model with getter and setter methods to access the model.


class Cat < CouchRest::Model::Base
  belongs_to :mother
  property :name

kitty = => "Felix")
kitty.mother = Mother.find_by_name('Sophie')

Providing a object to the setter, mother in the example will automagically update the mother_id attribute. Retrieving the data later is just as expected:

kitty = Cat.find_by_name "Felix" == 'Sophie'

Belongs_to accepts a few options to add a bit more flexibility:

The last option, :proxy is a feature currently in testing that allows objects to be loaded from a proxy class, such as ClassProxy. For example:

class Invoice < CouchRest::Model::Base
  attr_accessor :company
  belongs_to :project, :proxy => ''

A project instance in this scenario would need to be loaded by calling #get(project_id) on in the scope of an instance of the Invoice. We hope to document and work on this powerful feature in the near future.

Collection Of

A collection_of relationship is much like belongs_to except that rather than just one foreign key, an array of foreign keys can be stored. This is one of the great features of a document database. This relationship uses a proxy object to automatically update two arrays; one containing the objects being used, and a second with the foreign keys used to the find them.

The best example of this in use is with Labels:

class Invoice < CouchRest::Model::Base
  collection_of :labels

invoice =
invoice.labels << Label.get('xyz')
invoice.labels << Label.get('abc'){|l|} # produces ['xyz', 'abc']

See the belongs_to relationship for the options that can be used. Note that this isn’t especially efficient, a get is performed for each model in the array. As with a has_many relationship, we hope to be able to take advantage of the Linked Documents feature to avoid multiple requests.

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